How to spend the weekend with the kids?

Not sure what to do with your children on the weekends? Don’t worry. We have selected some activities that parents normally do with children on the weekends, well when they are free from the usual commitments.

1. Social Interaction:

Sometimes as Parents we have to let the kids  talk, play,and have fun with other people rather than with us. That way kids can learn healthy ways to interact, react, and deal with all types of people. For example: Let him/her play with another kids

2.Hiking: Once a month, we join hiking trip organized by a local junior hash. It is a great way for kids to be in the great outdoors and become one with nature. Plus, it is an excellent opportunity for them to mingle with other like-minded children – not to mention the exercise they get from the walking.We go to a different trail every month.

3. Park or playground:  It can be fun too to see the kids run or cycle around. An excellent way to get their butt off the couch.

4. Road trips: Kids like it because they can explore, unexplored places. And also they can hunt for popular foods of a particular town. So they learn the history of the town and how people live in that area – live geography lessons.

5.Art and craft: We do art at home or visit an art gallery. Kids for some reason love arts. We can make use of garbage to make art pieces.

6. Do nothing: Who says you need to do something with the kids on weekends? If you are running out of ideas, just do nothing.

Spending quality time with our children is extremely important for their development.

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