Why Your Lawn Mower needs Covers

Many owners of lawn mowers often make the mistake of neglecting to purchase lawn mower covers. The importance of lawn mower covers should not be ignored if you want to protect your lawn mover. The information below will share with you several reasons why lawn mower covers are an essential accessory to maintaining the life of your lawn mower.

Prevents Rust

One of thebiggest issues you will have with a lawn mower is that it can rust. Theexterior metal components are most likely to rust first, followed by theinternal parts. Even the blade can rust over time. Lawn mower covers are thefirst defense against rust becoming an issue with your lawn mower. If you haveto store the lawn mower outside, the cover will protect it from rain and directcontact with moisture.

Debris Blowback

There are lawnmower covers that just attach to the top of the lawn mower. These covers arestock on most lawn mowers and cover the engine compartment. If your lawn mowerdoes not have one, you should get one because as you mow the lawn, the bladescan kick up debris like rocks and twigs. Without this type of cover, the debriscan find its way from under the lawn mower, through the engine area, and thendirectly toward you.

Engine Clogging

During times of storms and change ofseasons, there will come chances for wet leaves and small twigs to find theirway inside the compartment of the engine. This can cause the engine to stall ornot even start. Lawn mower covers will prevent any foreign bodies from gettingtrapped inside the engine, preventing costly repairs or replacement.

Small Animals

This is something most people do not evenbother to think of because it seems very unlikely, but it does happen, and lawnmower covers will prevent it. Essentially, small animals like squirrels andmice like to crawl under and into small places. Once they are inside, they willgnaw and chew at the wires they find. This will not necessarily harm the animals,but it will damage the lawn mower.


The wires inside the lawn mower are coveredwith basic rubber to protect them from debris and moisture. If the lawn moweris left outside in the elements, the rubber will expand and shrink with thecool and warm air. They will constantly be wet then dry out. When this happens,the rubber will begin to lose its elasticity and will dry out and crack, whichexposes the wires. Lawn mower covers will help to protect the wires inside thelawn mower from going through this process.

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